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If you are concerned about developing a cavity, we encourage you to take steps to maintain proper dental health. Below, we have provided four cavity prevention methods:

– Maintaining excellent oral hygiene: A healthy smile can be achieved by brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day, floss the teeth and gum line daily, and rinsing with an antibacterial or otherwise beneficial mouthwash.
– Eat a health and balanced diet: Eating healthy food is not just good for your body; it also helps your teeth stay healthy and strong. We encourage you to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and refrain from snacks between meals, especially sugary snacks.
– Use fluoride: This natural mineral is vital for your smile since it nourishes and revitalizes the tooth enamel to help your teeth rebuff the bacteria that causes tooth decay. Stones Crossing Dentistry offers fluoride treatments that you can receive at the end of your routine dental checkup as a varnish, foam, or gel, and we can also recommend at-home fluoride treatment in the form of fluoride toothpaste or mouthwash when you clean your teeth.
– Visit the dentist:Every six months, you should visit the dentist for a dental exam and cleaning to clean your teeth and screen your smile for any signs of tooth decay or gum disease or any weakened areas that can develop into a cavity.

If you are interested in learning more about how to prevent a dental cavity or are concerned about receiving cavity treatment in Greenwood, Indiana, please feel free to contact Stones Crossing Dentistry at 317.535.3940 today and arrange your appointment with our dentist, Dr. Aaron Wilkins.