Our talented dentist offers cosmetic dentistry to help you achieve the smile you have always dreamed of. Call today to learn more!
Stones Crossing Dentistry is a family practice, providing excellent dental care for patients of all ages. Call us today to learn more about family dentistry!
Dr. Aaron Wilkins provides a wide variety of dental treatments to meet your needs and desires. Call today to set up your appointment!
Our dental team offers a professional fluoride treatment during your dental cleaning and exam appointments if you need it. Do you ever wonder why? If so, our dentist, Dr. , is more than happy to tell you why! Fluoride is a natural mineral that can benefit you and your smile more than you might realize…. Read more »
If you are concerned about developing a cavity, we encourage you to take steps to maintain proper dental health. Below, we have provided four cavity prevention methods: – Maintaining excellent oral hygiene: A healthy smile can be achieved by brushing your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day, floss the teeth and gum line… Read more »
It’s important to floss every day if you want a healthy, strong smile, as flossing is extremely beneficial to your oral health and benefits your smile in many different ways. To convince you of the importance of flossing, we offer three ways flossing can improve your life. First, dental floss can remove plaque and food… Read more »
Are you aware that risk factors of bad breath are numerous and varied in many ways? Even if you think your bad breath is caused by foul odors coming out of your mouth and assuming they originate from your mouth, you could be mistaken. In fact, it may be entirely possible that your bad breath… Read more »
At , we know that pregnancy can be a hard time for many women. We want your pregnancy to be as stress-free as possible, and we think that means keeping your mouth clean and healthy. Because we want you to retain tough oral health during your pregnancy, for your sake and for the baby’s sake,… Read more »
Do you want a top-notch smile for a lifetime? If so, good for you! Fortunately, there are things you can do regularly to take good care of your teeth and gums throughout your life. All you need to do is get in the habit and it can be easier than you might think. Our dentist,… Read more »
Brushing your teeth twice each day and flossing in the evening can serve as the initial basis for an effective daily oral hygiene routine. If residual food particles, sugar residue, and plaque are not removed from your mouth on daily basis they can promote cavities while also hardening into tartar. This can increasingly put your… Read more »
Often, cavities occur in teeth that aren’t immediately visible to the people around you. In those cases, your dentist may be able to fill those cavities with a filling made of gold or a metal amalgam. But a cavity on a front tooth, or worse yet, on the front of a front tooth? That calls… Read more »
Once in awhile the food you eat may linger on on your breath, and that may make things a little awkward around the office after lunch. Or, you may want to add something extra to your oral hygiene regimen. In both of those cases, mouthwash can be a great addition to brushing and flossing. Although… Read more »
Are you suffering from any crooked or misaligned teeth? Did you know that modern advances in orthodontics has allowed for the use of many different and exiting treatments to be used, including clear and removable aligners? Orthodontics has grown by leaps and bounds. For further information, consider this: – Orthodontists require extensive training beyond dental… Read more »