Keeping your mouth safe from oral health defects that can often arise includes examining your teeth and gums to determine if there are any signs of dental damage or underlying oral health conditions. Visit your dentist for routine checkups and professional cleanings as needed. Also, make sure to check for any symptoms of dry mouth.
Dry mouth is a condition in which your mouth is not producing enough saliva or something it is impairing its production. Saliva is a naturally occurring substance that is essential for optimum oral health, so it is important to make sure that dry mouth is reversed as soon as possible. Typically, dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is the result of medications you may be taking. Several medications such as diuretics, painkillers, decongestants and antihistamines are known to produce dry mouth as a side effect.
Another common risk factor associated with dry mouth includes Sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disease in which your body’s immune system begins to attack the glands in your body. This can lead to dry mouth as it can often attack the glands responsible for creating saliva.
Once you’re aware of the risks and causes associated with dry mouth, it is important to look for the symptoms that it may be present. If you are having issues breathing or swallowing, a chronic sore throat, difficulties chewing or any symptoms of cavities, it may be linked to dry mouth. To help reverse the effects of dry mouth, try chewing sugarless gum after meals to produce additional saliva. Furthermore, eating crunchy foods with a high water content has also been shown to help spur on saliva production.
For more information concerning dry mouth or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Aaron Wilkins and the rest of our team, please contact us at our dentist office in Greenwood, Indiana, by calling 317.535.3940. Stones Crossing Dentistry looks forward to seeing you soon!